Charlie's Gift reach £200,000 in grant funding! April 20, 2021 12:08

The Trustees of Charlie’s Gift are very proud to announce a fabulous fundraising milestone for our charity. As we reach 10 years of supporting disadvantaged children across the Three Counties region, we have just made a grant to one very deserving little girl for a special needs bed, taking the total donated over the past decade to just over £200,000!
We would like to thank each and every one of you for your ongoing love, support, fundraising and donations. 277 individual children and small community children’s groups have benefitted from £200,000 of Charlie's Gift grants to date. This really isn’t something we could have achieved without you.
We would especially like to thank those who have organised fundraising events on our behalf, from concerts to busking, and bake sales to bingo nights. Each and every penny raised has gone towards improving the lives of children locally.
Our special thanks also go to those who have literally gone the extra mile to raise funds for us. So, to everyone who has endurance-cycled, marathon-ran, plane-jumped, mud-clambered, truck-hauled, we take our hats off to you, you are all Superheroes to us.
To all our supporters, your wonderful donations have helped to bring smiles to some truly remarkable children, who are living with often heartbreaking daily challenges. The children we support are all affected either by disability and special need, serious and life-limiting illness, bereavement or poverty and more often of late, mental health struggles.
Over the past decade we have been privileged to provide funding for numerous pieces of mobility and therapeutic equipment, sensory play toys, special needs educational equipment, counselling, respite breaks and days out, clothing essentials, as well as beds and bedding.
2020 was a difficult time for us as a charity with many of our fundraisers being cancelled due to the Pandemic. However, thanks to the ongoing kindness of our local community we have been able to stay operational during this crisis. In this time of hardship for many, our focus has been on children struggling in poverty, volatile family situations and those with mental health difficulties.
Thank you once again from the Trustees of Charlie’s Gift (Nicole, Jason, Kyle, Rebecca, David and Kirsty) and of course Charlie, our truly inspirational Patron, whose precious memory lives on through his namesake charity.
We will leave you with a little montage of just a few of the wonderful children we have been absolutely delighted to have helped over the past 10 years.